...These days we all fight the apathy caused by mental fatigue. The infinite worries we had before "the new normal" have either been tossed aside as trivial or increased in weight.
We have no choice but to move forward. Some haven't made it, others will enevidibly fall. I hope to be in the group that traverses the switchbacks.
As we stand on virgin ground looking at a changed landscape, I hope we all come out of this sharper. I hope humanity will evolve while a unified compassion shines through our battle hardened skin.
Our new armor isn't bulletproof, but it doesn't have to be. It just has to be good enough to get us to the next challenge.
Also, why are we still putting raisins in trail mix? It makes no sense. They're awful and gross. Haven't we suffered enough? I love grapes. Raisins don't deserve compassion. #realtalk #shegottheholders #hashtag #fuckraisins
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